Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

What is with all the poisoned Russians lately? Can some of my Brit-friends comment further, since all that radioactivity seems to be in your neck of the woods?

I'm feeling so Cold War Revisited. We're already having an 80s fashion revival (which I totally dig, with a few reservations, even though I'm not much participating beyond a striped cardigan and some big hoop earrings--though I do have some electric blue mascara). Is it in the wind?

I mean, poisoning anti-Putin dissidents (in London, no less) seems a little extreme, even when the dissident in question is a former spy. But then, when was the KGB (hello, Putin, ex-KGB) ever particularly reasonable?

But you know--we're having a lot of weird Cold War era-echoes happening these days. A lot of things remind me of the era: McCarthy-esque paranoia in various places, serious militarism, curtailing of civil liberties, general anxiety--not to mention shallower cultural revivals such as fashion, music, and movies. We're also suffering the consequences of decisions made during the Cold War (hello, Iraq? Afghanistan? Practically every rogue state and every nation who's merely annoying us?). Maybe the Russians are feeling the drama, too, but are filtering the meaning through their own peculiarly Russian viewpoint and acting accordingly. Bizarrely. Or maybe it's just a Putin thing.

I wonder what Gorby would say to all this.


Blogger Isabella in the 21st Century said...

I feel rather separated from it all...I'm just following like I would follow "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" so I'm obviously a shallow casualty of post-modernity!

Scuttlebut is that it's either the KGB *or* people who are trying to discredited the KGB who are responsible.

Re: Cold War, yes I agree with you, but often uncertainty and fear about foriegn afairs works in favour of a government...doesn't seem to be working out that way for your Mr Bush though...or our Mr Blair, Iraq is becoming somewhat of an albatross to them both.

PS. I too am strangely drawn to David Caruso (sp?). It's the *intensity* of those magnificent one liners!

1:05 AM  

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