Friday, October 06, 2006

Bits and pieces

Well, it's been a crazy week in the non-blog-world. Last weekend I went out on Friday with friends to hear a blues band (it was good!), then Saturday I went with another group of friends to hear an Irish band at our local "Irish pub". Yes, there was Irish dancing on tabletops, as well as sing-alongs, various jokes, and some serious food (boxty, woo-hoo!). When you're super-hungry, the Irish can deliver.

My week's work has kept me busy, and I've been up late at night. I'm working tonight, then my brother is visiting from out of town--I'm very excited!

This week also included the feast day of St. Francis of Assissi, who is one of my all-time favorite saints. Somehow, I just get happy thinking of him, even though he was pretty radical: utter destitution doesn't sound too cheerful and heartwarming. One of my friends said about him, "His calling isn't for everyone, but it does make you think." Certainly, a man who could be happy when 100% dependent (literally) on God, and whose life inspires others to spiritual joy, is someone worth paying attention to.

Right now I am trying to decide if, indeed, I need some chocolate, or if I can go without. I'm trying to cut back on my coffee addiction, but I find myself trying to fill the craving with other things. Chocolate is not really the best option: still has caffeine, and way more calories. On the plus side, it's chocolate. Hmmm.

Ah. I just proofread this and realized I went from St. Francis to my caffeine addiction with no segue. (Embarrassed hiding of head.)


Blogger G.L.H. said...

Oh, I thought the segue meant that there was no way you could emulate St. Francis, since you were addicted to coffee AND chocolate. It would take a tremendous amount of faith to depend on God alone for those! :)

3:48 PM  

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