Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This Is Why We Do It, Baby

Well. A few days ago I was ruminating on (is that the right preposition? should I use "over"? does "ruminating" even take a preposition? sigh...) my work "personality" and what that might mean for my future. Today I've had two people come to me and remind me (all unknowing) why I do the work I do.

This was good. My job goes in cycles, and some seasons are much more intense than others. A coworker puts it this way: "My work gives me a lot of free time. I just can't predict with much accuracy when it will be." This is one of the reasons I like my job. This is also a reason my job is difficult. Lately I've also been thinking about all the failures and unpleasant aspects of my job, and needed a reminder about why my work is good, useful, meaningful, etc. I just couldn't muster it myself.

Today a woman came to me and went on for twenty minutes about how one conversation we had months ago has changed her whole perspective. Later I had a long conversation with someone who's going through some hard times. I'd spent some time trying to work with this person before, but eventually decided that I wasn't helpful. But now, I guess, I must have helped after all, because we seem to have made a connection.

I really needed this, because the intense periods of my work require total commitment, or the job is impossible. These two people were answers to prayer. I am generally cautious about calling things "answers to prayer", but I've been praying for days that I would be reminded, somehow, of why I got into this and what I like about it. I think I've got it now.

Thank God.


Blogger Isabella in the 21st Century said...

Hi there!
I'm glad things are finally coming together for you! If you want to contact me here's my email:

12:14 AM  
Blogger Isabella in the 21st Century said...

Aah, I meant hotmail (but I'm sure you guessed that one)!

12:15 AM  

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